Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I just noticed that my blog entries are mostly complaints about one thing or another. This may or may not have earned me a reputation of being a cynic. Well, maybe I am a cynic to a certain degree. But one thing I am not and, God forbid, never want to be, is a sour pessimist. So, yeah, I'm a cynic. But I'm an optimistic cynic. Sounds impossible? Hehe.

One of my most firm beliefs is that things almost always work out themselves. Of course, nothing happens unless you strive for it. But when you've tried your best and still nothing worked, just have a little faith and soon the mess would straighten itself out.

Here are some examples:

Story 1
I started out this semester pretty darned pissed off with my elective courses. I wanted to take management courses but because of my "World Class University Program", I was denied that choice and ended up with two of the courses I hated the most -- Geotechniques and Structural Steel Design. Some three weeks later, I realized that my courses aren't so bad after all. Well, geotech is still a bitch. But Structural Steel Design is the best ever. I haven't cut this class at all (for me, that's a really big thing). And get this -- I'm even doing my Final Year Project on Structural Steel. So, the moral of the story : When life gives you lemon, make lemonade.

Story 2
I had a helluva time getting placement for Industrial Practice. I went all over -- Shah Alam, KL, Putrajaya, etc. I got lost on Jalan Lontar Lembing while looking for Jalan Badminton (turns out it was near Jalan Ragbi). I thought I'd have to get "auctioned off" to some obscure waste water establishment or something like that. But in the end, I got an offer from a consultancy established in KK, and they assigned my to their site in Tawau! Not only do I get placement, I get to go home to do it! Moral of the story : Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...just kee--....

Story 3
Its the end of the semester, exams are around the corner, its raining assignments but we have to get through tests and quizzes first. All this tension just makes me want to eat all the time. But you know what? I'm dead broke. All I had was 20 cents, that's how broke I was. Thankfully, I still have a healthy supply of instant noodles, oats and biscuits. So, I've resigned myself to surviving on my God-blessed rations. I'll admit, I was a tad bit bitter at first, but then I thought of all the children starving in third world countries. What am I being bitter for? I have instant noodles! I should be counting my blessings! As if a reward for my resolve, a friend suddenly remembered that she owed my money and paid up. It was a debt from the beginning of the semester and I had long since forgotten about it. But here it was, paid in full, just at a time when I really needed it. Moral of the story : Have faith in God.

Miracles happen all the time. You just have to learn how to recognize them.


Alin Shoppe said...

yup miracles is always around us, up to you how you gonna interprete it.
when u have lemon - do a lemon tart! hahaha..or better still Lemon Cheese Cake! damn,ok azlin focus on your diet, focus! :p

heretic preacher said...

shit do happens once in a while, it is unavoidable... but just remember that there are always somebody else out there who "shit" more than us ~_~

Pepper said...

It is not easy to think that someone might having it harder than us. We are more focused on the people who's having it easy.

Being optimistic ain't no easy. Especially when people around you focused on being sad and remorse...emo!

aku tengah emo ni! dak dapat tidur...tah apa la aku cakap ni

Alin Shoppe said...

hahaha..good one heretic..
someone who shit more than us?
makan sambal banyak..tuh yg shit banyak tuh! hahaha
just a joke sis..
jgn marah yer jiyuu

Jiyuu said...

@heretic preacher
ditto what goodmorningteacher said. but be careful, shit too much and its dihorrhea.

hehe. i dig u. its especially easy to be pessimistic when your an insomniac.

diet for your weight or diet for your pocket?

RPG character