Friday, March 27, 2009

Aisatsu, Arigatou!

Dr. Sooi enters the classroom.

"Good morning, class," he greets us.

Only a few people mumble indistinct 'morning's in response. The rest of the class remains silent.

This has been the trend for the start of almost every class for the past 3 years of my university life. Some lecturers don't even bother with greetings anymore. They just get in and get cracking without so much as a hello.

It strikes me as such a far cry from our chorused "Selamat Pagi, Cikgu!" from our school days. No, I don't expect university students to stand up and shout "Good morning, Teacher!" in a singsong voice at the start of every class. But I would have thought that we could at least spare our lecturers the courtesy of replying to their greeting. It's a shame to say that the routine which we have repeated day after day for at least 11 years has made almost no infuence whatsoever to our adult lives.

Yet all hope is not lost. There are still a handful who feel the need to thank the lecturer after every class albeit unchorused and uttered personally as they pass by to leave the room.

This reminds me of the students in UiTM Penang. Like most universities, UiTM Penang provides buses to transport students to and from certain places. This service is free of charge and drivers are specifically employed to drive these buses. Although the drivers are clearly just doing their job, most of the students make it a point to thank the drivers when they get off the bus. This is an example of courtesy in it's finest. The students aren't required to thank the drivers, but they do. The drivers don't need to welcome the students, but they do.

And at times when I shake my head and sigh at the indifference of the people around me, I'm glad that I can think of the students of UiTM Penang with a smile.


Alin Shoppe said... certainly has a point there..its not practical for uni stud to greet their lecturer like what pupils did in school..but spare some room to do so as your lecturer will appreciate it.even if they show that they r not bothered..but they do..(walaupun jauh di lubuk hati..hehe..)

Pepper said...

Haih...biasala, org Malaysia kan penuh dengan budi bahasa *bernada sinis*.

Tiap kali org cakap macam tu, aku rasa mo tampar jak dorang, budi bahasa apa?

Siapa yang buang sampah merata? siapa yang sepahkan mkanan atas meja walaupun bukan rumah dorang sendiri? siapa yang potong Q (dak kisahlah Q apa)? Siapa yang dak tolong bukakan pintu (ko phmkn yg ni)? Orang malaysia la. Meludah pun merata-rata. Adeh....macam mana la ni?

ranting lagi!

Mohd Hafiz Safwan said...

Teringat zaman kat UiTM Penang...kalau boleh jadik muda balik kan best...hahahahaha

Jiyuu said...

Three words -- "World Class University"

Time kecik2 dulu beriya nk jadi besar. skg ni berangan2 nk jadi kecik balik...

The grass is always greener on the other side of the river.

Jiyuu said...
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heretic preacher said...

aku pernah naik bas uitm 2 kali je kat penang dulu, dan 2-2 kali aku cakap terima kasih kat driver tu. tahniah utk aku ^_~

Jiyuu said...

@Mr Heretic
Tahniah! Julanglah piala! Yaay! Banyaaaaaai!

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