Friday, March 13, 2009

World Class University

I attend a "World Class University". Let me give you an insight on what that means.

There are too many students, too few lecturers. The optimum student to lecturer is 30:1. Classes often have up to 32~35 students. A bit too crowded. This is "World Class". The world is becoming overpopulated. Too many people, too little land, too few jobs, too many, too few...Just like my university.

Wireless connection is sluggish and flickers in and out of existence. Might as well have no wireless at all since we can't use it anyway. Most of the world does not have wireless connection anyway.

Roads are congested and pedestrians have difficulty crossing the roads. Most motorists care only about getting to their destination. The lack of a proper pedestrian crossing couple with the reluctance of motorists to stop or slow down and give way to pedestrians result in a fearful escapade of 'dodge the vehicle' each time one wishes to get to the other side of the road.

The classroom floors are garbage strewn. Despite the fact that most students are above 20 years old, they still to seem to not know the function of a garbage can aka rubbish bin. Which would be the case for the rest of the world as well. There is a reason why Singapore imposes such heavy fines for littering -- it's because most people just don't care enough to give a thought to where they put their trash. The fines provide that reason to care.

Being "World Class" doesn't necessarily mean a good thing.


Max J. Potter said...

hehe. maybe. not necessarily, huh?

i attended a university aspiring to be a world class university and i dont wanna start on the bad things since i've already graduated with a degree and am now leading the life of the youngest but most influential teacher in the skool i'm teaching in.

you write good. will come again afterwards. =)

Pepper said...

Haha...good one!
You see, people always say, "apa ada pada nama", but, here, everything is about "nama".
like, menjaga nama baik (i can understand this one la), menjulang nama ....di peringkat .... (uh...why?), semoga nama ...akan menjadi sebutan...., banyakkan! menyampah!

aku ranting...haha

Jiyuu said...

Thanks! Teaching is the most noble job in the world (if done sincerely). Too many teachers in Malaysia teach because of the money and end up ruining children's futures. It's good to know there are still good teachers on the job out there.

U sed it girl!

Mohd Hafiz Safwan said...

World Class Stafs
World Class Students
World Class Facilities that not fully utilised since it was not in the syllabus.
World Class Attitude..

Patutla nuar dapat A untuk Bel lepas tulih essay bertajuk "World Class University - My Foot" ketika paper finalnya (expression ini originalnya adalah daripada encik apeq)

Pepper said...

U sed it girl!"
-Jiyuu- 2009

I'm Pepper, not Jiyuu, Jiyuu...XD!

Jiyuu said...

Who are you??? Who am I??? No!!! No!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Yeah, thanks. I needed that. Hehe.

Pepper said...

LOL! you gone crazy....again!

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