Saturday, March 14, 2009

Boys Don't Cry

Men are from Mars. Mars is the Roman god of War. I don't think Men, as a rule, must be violent and full of bloodlust. But I do think that it should take a lot to reduce a Man to tears.

My father -- rock steady and solidly grounded. I've seen him outright angry. I've seen him excitedly happy. I've seen him valiantly masking his disappointment and fears. But only once have I seen him cry. He didn't cry when his father died. He didn't cry when we were so scarce of money we wondered how our family would survive. Only once in my whole lifetime -- long or short depends on one's perspective. Only once did my father succumb to tears and that was during a time my mother was so sick that she stopped breathing for a while.

To see a Man such as my father commit an act so innocent and common among their female counterparts -- too see any Man cry -- is for me, something entirely disturbing. It shakes the foundations of the ideology I have held on to ever since the time when I could understand the differences between males and females -- Man is stronger than Woman. Not necessarily better, not necessarily smarter. Simply that the extra Y in their chromosomes enable them greater physical strength and a higher resistance to tears.

So when my mother stopped breathing and my father's tears came, I felt like it was the end of the world. The unmovable mountain of dependability that my father represented had come crashing down with one drop of that saline seepage. Every worst case scenario I could imagine seemed about to come true.

Seeing my father's tears, something hardened in me. I took care of everything while my father took my mother to the hospital, all the while not producing a single tear myself. I would have taken care of everything even if my father had not cried but I would have sobbed and sniffled all the way. Deprived of my tears, I don't know how I looked while I comforted the youngest ones, Yusof and Betty Jane, and put them to bed. I wonder if I managed to put on the front that had crumbled on my father's facade. I hope I did.

My father hasn't shed one single tear since. I don't blame him for his moment of weakness. He remains that dependable mountain that shields this Daddy's Girl from everything undesirable. I hope I don't ever have to lose that mountain again. It is so scary when a Man cries. As a female, I can take up the reigns if a Man relinquishes his hold on them. I can even survive quite fine without a Man to take care of my life. But having a Man in front of me break down and cry....It will happen again, inevitably. I just hope I'll be prepared for that when it comes.


Sir Pök Déng said...

Men cry because we ain't no heartless robot. We're physically stronger than our opposite gender but this heart thing is no more a game.

I hate to talk about this but that's the fact, especially when you're taking a deep study into hadiths, you'll find a few lines stating about a man who doesn't know how to cry, is a man who has been clogged with too much sins within.

We cry for a few reasons but women cry for many reasons. That's the different.

There's no need to show everybody in the world how strong a man is. A strong man is the one who walks on a straight line and he knows how to guide others into it.

You might see me as a misogynist because I always reckoned that the world is having so confused about this gender thing. Men are leaders of the world, but women make the rules.

Everybody is fighting for gender equality but none of them realizes that they had gone beyond nature's law.

Most current hit singles on the radio sang by female singers are all about bashing men, while male singers are grieving for the lost of their women.

Men are losers.
Women are right.

Gender equality?

Any takers??

Jiyuu said...

Gender equality is lie. The two genders can never be equal. This is because they're both a different class altogether. Does it make sense to say that vanilla is equal to chocolate? Does it make sense to say that sugar is equal to salt?

No, I am not saying that women are sugar and men are salt, nor the other way around. I'm just pointing out the fact that men and women are different beings and cannot be compared let alone equated. We can note the differences, but never say which is better than the other.

Writing Boys Don't Cry has made me come to terms with my inability to accept that a man must also cry when he needs to and that he has a right to do so. As well as some other issues besides.

This is not a slight on men in any way whatsoever. I hope you understand my motives because if you don't that just points out a flaw in my own writing. Or else your brain is somewhat impaired. Haha. Naturally, if that's the case, I'm hoping it's the latter. Haha again.

Sir Pök Déng said...

Of course the latter one is the best choice for me to accept it as the exact answer. If not, I won't write a blog in such way that you knew all these while.

I'm not sure how you understand my previous long comment but so far as I know, I wrote that as an argument to provoke your weakness so called 'inability to accept that a man must also cry when he needs.'

You represent yourself and I don't think I need statistics to prove a point that all women are like that because I've wrote something about it in my Malay blog entitled 'Saya Seorang Lelaki Misogynist', discussing on how I see women not in such a way that they are jahat dan tak boleh dipercayai.

Yea, I know being a Caucasian, you must be a good English writer so I admit I'm unable to spot any flaw within your own writing, either technically or points written.

Secondly, you're so right I have a knack to make a woman acts like that.

If not, Pepper didn't need to tell me that you dropped her a line mentioning about my previous comment in your previous post (Defying Gravity) you thought either you want to take it as an offense or not.

Instead your comment "It seems you've misunderstood my comment -- an unfortunate drawback of non-verbal internet communication.
In truth, my comment was meant as sarcasm at my expense." defied the truth behind the real thing happened (as being told by Pepper, then). Unless I is no good in Englizh, that are another story.

To conclude all this, I'm still partially misogynist by nature after all of this.

Keh! Keh! Keh! (another version of 'Haha')

Jiyuu said...

Well, if you sought to confuse me with that you have succeeded. Give me a few days to process your last comment. Huhu...(a less enthusiastic version of Haha)

Anonymous said...

Jiyuu and Pok Deng

1. men and women are very different, so what is it with gender equality? I just can't see the relevancy.

2. I can't accept a man who couldn't cry, I just can't.

3. Why suddenly mention my name? I'm confused.

p/s for Jiyuu: I'm too much of a bimbo for math and stats T_T

Jiyuu said...

if your a bimbo then that makes me one as well.

screw math! yea yeah!

note: I just finished math class.

RPG character