Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Day at a Time

Today is Thursday. I like Thursdays. I like Thursdays because after Thursday comes Friday.

I like Fridays because after Friday comes Saturday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I like Saturday best. I can sleep in and don't have to work (most of the time). Then I can go to the bookstore. Saturdays are good.

Then comes Sunday. I don't like Sundays. After Sunday comes Monday. It's just too depressing. I sit at home and read my books, thinking how boring and depressing life is.

Mondays are the worst. The weekend is over. I have to work. My horizons are dark. I trudge through the day.

Tuesdays all meld into one tolerated (forgettable) experience.

Then its Wednesday. I start to feel hopeful. Tomorrow is Thursday and I can start feeling good about life again.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jiyuu Will Face an Army of Mugen If She Refuses to Listen to Brain

Stand up
You've got to manage
I refuse to sympathize

You're alright
There's nothing wrong
Self sufficience please!
And get to work

You're on your own now
We won't save you
Your rescue squad
Is too exhausted

And if you complain once more
You'll face an army of me

Saturday, February 19, 2011

For Better or For Worse?

Of the nearly 7 billion people in the world, no two people are exactly the same. Subhanallah. With the diverse population, we also get a wide range of different behavior, reactions, thoughts, emotions, etc that define social or even anti-social occurrences.

Like all people, I have beliefs and ideals. I have a set notion of what constitutes of good and bad, of preferable and ill-advised behaviors and mindsets. Though I acknowledge that it's rarely so straightforward, I have my own idea of good and bad.

So if my actions are along the line of what I call "good", going down the list of superlatives, is there a 'better' and 'best'? If I gave up my seat in the bus for that old lady, am I better than the rest of the people who didn't? I like to think that I'm a good person, but to think that I'm 'better'...would be conceited. That said, sometimes those conceited thoughts creep stealthily into my Brain until when I finally realize it, they've been there for quite a while, with me carrying its notion. Am I better?

I contemplate this system of judgment as I watch an old man talking animatedly to a grill at the train station. He's not doing anything bad, at least not in my books, therefore I cannot definitively say that I am better than him.

That must be a judgmental flaw, I think, as the old man holds up two forks, one in each hand, and starts telling them off for being ignorant. But even then, I still can't consider myself better than him.

"Ha! Tahu tak?" the old man dramatically exclaims to the forks, head nodding in a superior, knowing way.

Am I better?

No, I just do the best I can, according to my own definitions. Just like everyone else.

RPG character