Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Search for the Ideal Guy

I followed a link from Ginevra to this site called 49 Floors Up: Get Stuck With Your Favorite Celebrity. Sounds interesting. I could pick my favorite celebrity (real or fictional) and we'd get stuck in an elevator between the 49th and 50th floors. Plus, once I've claimed him, he's mine, so to speak. It's all pretend, but that's what the imagination is for.

So I began thinking of which famous person I'd like to be stuck in an elevator with. I thought of Dante (Devil May Cry, if you don't know who he is...*pauses* Well, I pity you) first but Dante, in all of his supreme hotness, coolness and funness, doesn't talk much, does he? (Answer, he doesn't really). If I'm to be stuck in an elevator -- short term or indefinitely -- with someone, I'd want to be able to hold a decently interesting conversation. Even looking at hot men gets boring after a while.

Now that means the guy must be hot, smart, be able to converse well, not be boring….I'm asking too much, aren't I? But surely there are some fictional characters that fit the description?

Hm, Death the Kid? Nope, he'd turn me into Swiss cheese for being so unorganized.

Allen Walker? Cute, funny, and smart enough but a little immature for my taste.

Nara Shikamaru? Not exactly hot, but attractive enough. He's a genius, but he'll probably ask me to play shougi and I'm no good at that.

Isn't there any person, real or fictional, that I could seriously like???

Get a grip, Jiyuu. It's only pretend. Duh. Don't take it so seriously.

Yep, so Dante it is. In the end, hotness prevails. Well, at least in the pretend world.


Silverleaf said...

dante from that game devil may cry??..huhuhu quite the imagination u hav....

Max J. Potter said...

so yours is dante? cool.

but yeah, he doesn't talk much. probably the boringest person to stuck with in an elevator. but then he's dante. his coolness and hotness make up to the not-talkingness he has.


havent seen you in a while, mate. you ok?

Jiyuu said...

Thank you. Imagination is a good thing, kan.

Yup. Dante is Dante. *grins stupidly*

Been busy with my final year project. Mostly busy procrastinating my final year project. lol. But the proposal is done and I've submitted it. Next week is the presentation. Wish me luck!

Pepper said...

Have been thinking the candidate of guy to get stuck in elevator with for some time. I made up my mind...it gonna be..*drum roll*.. At-chan!!!! predictable huh? at least he can sing if he don't want to talk. If he don't want to talk, he can just be there and let me adore him...kyaaaa~~~ *Pepper, control..Control!*

p/s: Jiyuu, ganbatte! *waving pom pom in the air* lol

Jiyuu said...

Lol. I was yelling 'At-chan' even before the drum started rolling. Duh, sapa lagi kan? Haido-san was taken, but I think Dante is hotter. (Sorry, Haido-san. I still love you. hehe)

When it comes to hot guys, there's no end to the discussion. Yaay for fangirlism!


RPG character