Littering has always been a problem wherever I go in Malaysia. However, this problem has reached an all time low, in my opinion, when I noticed A4-sized signs posted by each ATM machine on campus.
"Please ensure that your litter is properly disposed in the rubbish bins provided," pleaded the signs.
I nudged my housemate and pointed them out. Shame, I said, that university students still have to be told where rubbish goes.
"Nak wat camner...," she answered, indifferent, and went back to interacting with her mobile phone.
My jaw dropped. True, we can't go around making people throw their rubbish in the rubbish bins -- that's what authorities take our tax money for. But to not care?? To me, that's equivalent to littering yourself.
I looked at the floor by the ATM machine I was standing in line at. Sure enough, there were transaction slips on the floor, right beside an empty waste basket. I wish I had a camera, I would have taken pictures as proof.
We've been taught that rubbish goes into rubbish bins since, what -- kindergarten? Is that still insufficient time to learn the theory?
5 years ago